About me

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in the IOL Group at the Zuse Institute Berlin, where I work with Sebastian Pokutta among others. Before joining ZIB, I completed a joint PhD in Computer Science at École Polytechnique, France, and Università di Pisa, Italy, mentored by Claudia D’Ambrosio, Antonio Frangioni and Leo Liberti. I hold an MSc in Data Science and Business Informatics from Università di Pisa.
I was fortunate to receive the “Premio Lorenzo Brunetta”, awarded to the best PhD thesis in operations research obtained in the years 2019–2021.


My research focuses on convex optimization, with a strong emphasis on first-order methods. I am interested in Frank-Wolfe algorithms for solving convex problems with structured constraints. My aim is to contribute to both the theoretical understanding of these methods and their application to real-world optimization challenges.
During my PhD, I also explored the integration of machine learning predictors into mathematical programming formulations and the distance geometry problem.

Check out my Publications page for more details on my research.

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